Consumer Information Privacy Policy
Transeth & Associates, LLC (“Transeth & Associates”) is an Oregon business of Private Investigators that provide pre-employment screening and due-diligence investigations for employers, consumers, and businesses. In this capacity we operate as a Consumer Reporting Agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We are also subject to the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act and where applicable, we follow state laws including the Oregon Consumer Identity Theft Protection Act and California Investigative Consumer Reporting Agencies Act related to consumer and credit reports, and handling personal information in verbal, electronic, and paper forms.
Consumers are notified that their information may be shared with third parties and are asked to agree by signing our release for employment, due diligence, or tenant-screening investigations. Unless it is necessary to comply with applicable laws or regulations, Transeth & Associates does not disclose consumer information to third parties in the United States or internationally for any other purpose than to complete a consumer report for the reason it was intended, and only to those with a permissible purpose and legitimate business need.
Transeth & Associates operates in a double-key pad, locked and alarmed facility, complies with audits by data providers, and retains and transmits consumer information in a confidential manner. We maintain reasonable operational measures to protect information from unauthorized access, disclosure and loss, including, but not limited to: secure paper retention, on-site or locked shredding services from reputable businesses, electronic data removal and memory destruction, secure electronic back-up, limited employer/employee/contractor access, encrypted data transmittal, fax protocol, up-to-date anti-virus, and hardware/software firewalls.